Girls and Women in Sports Day

Every year, the first week of February honors females in sports. It’s purpose is to recognize female athletes and all of their accomplishments. It also serves as a reminder of all the progress women have made, as well as the struggles they still face today in every industry. This day provides them with the strength and empowerment to be better leaders on the field and in the community. It influences females to stay in sports, and to keep competing to get the recognition they deserve. It also gives them an opportunity to gain confidence in their sport and apply that confidence to all of their future endeavors.

February 6th marked this year’s Girls and Women in Sports Day, and it has been celebrated in many different ways. On March 3rd SVC honored this day by having athletics put on free clinics for softball, lacrosse, basketball, and volleyball for all aspiring female athletes. The female athletes at SVC led clinics for the girls, and many learned about new sports or practiced the ones they already played. The goal for this event was to teach girls that they could do anything and help them gain confidence in their athletic abilities.

Freshman basketball player, Julia Ryan, felt that “this event was a great way to reach girls throughout the community, and show them that they can accomplish amazing things and be able to compete in collegiate sports.” She believes that “empowering women is so important,” and seeing “all of our athletes together on Sunday, supporting one another and teaching the children the sports we’ve grown to love, was amazing.”  Ryan also hopes that “Sunday gave all of the girls motivation and [the] drive to compete in athletics, and showed them that all women support each other in whatever they choose to accomplish.” Freshman soccer and lacrosse player Julia LaFiora, and freshman lacrosse player Marisa Moy, both agreed that they felt that “women mattered,” after this event. They both said that it was “nice to see women being recognized for all their accomplishments.” LaFiora added that “it was important to be viewed in the same light as men.”

Girls and Women in Sports Day was a success for SVC, and all the girls who came experienced new ways to be stronger on the field or court and in the real world. At the end of the day, all of the girls and athletes learned that women can benefit each other in many different ways, but most importantly in sports. It was a great event for the community, and Audrey Ames and Coach Christin Gowan did a wonderful job coordinating this event.