Shea’s Health Corner – Measles Outbreak


In recent events, measles have made a comeback to the U.S. as there has been a major outbreak during this 2019 year thus far. According to the CDC, over 555 cases reported already and counting and these numbers are continuing to rise as the year goes on. If you don’t already know what measles are, measles are an infectious viral disease which causes a fever, red rash on the skin, extreme chest congestion, runny nose and inflamed eyes. Mainly diagnosed in children, this disease is passed by the nose, mouth and throat. Measles can be prevented through the use of getting the measles vaccination, and can be self treated in children. Small children are susceptible to this virus if they are malnourished, have insufficient Vitamin A, or their immune system is weak. Even though it is easily treated/prevented, measles is one of the leading causes of death in small children around the world each year.

There have been outbreaks. According to the World Health Organization, the number of reported cases has increased by 300% in 2019 alone, and the year isn’t quite over yet. Therefore, the number of cases is looking to increase as the year goes on. With these numbers increasing i, it is important to know to how to prevent infection. Ways to prevent measles from spreading or contracting is vaccination which is the biggest form of prevention. Vaccinating for measles is 99% effective against measles, protecting your children from infection if they come into contact with the illness . Also, other ways to prevent contracting measles is practicing good hand hygiene, avoiding close contact with individuals who could possible be infected, and covering the mouth and nose if sick. For more information about the importance of vaccinations against infectious diseases, check out my earlier Shea’s Health Corner: Vaccination Importance located on The Looking Glass!           


Cover photo belongs to CBS New York