Begrudgingly Admitting

Begrudgingly Admitting

A “love” poem by Takiyah Douglas…

About the Author:

Takiyah Douglas (Creative Writing, Class of 2018) hopes to turn her love of writing into a career one day. Her best friend is food and her favorite opera is Trapped in the Closet.  She can be found locked her in room creating play scripts, short stories and, very rarely, poems.


Begrudgingly Admitting  

By: Takiyah Douglas

Why are you so weird? Not an inch of normal is in you.

But I like it and I like it a lot.

And why don’t you stop being so attractively, smart huh? Because no, I don’t know why this graphics card is better than that graphics card.

Also you’re so annoying. Stop telling me to tie my shoes. Quit reminding me to look both ways.

I keep melting into a puddle of appreciation because I know you care. And because you know I’m a klutz.

Oh and just shut up it with your  nice compliments. I know I’m hilarious and unique. That’s all you ever tell me.

Too much flattery and my heart might just give out.

But the way you use your words! God I want to hit you with a pillow. (Cough-filled-with-bricks-cough)

Because I just can’t take all these butterflies whom are waging a war in my stomach with axes and swords!

My jerk in shining tin foil.

My nerd, my loser, my protector, my know-it-all.

My love.

Copyright © Takiyah Douglas (2016) All Rights Reserved.