Studying Abroad: Why You Should Do It

Studying Abroad: Why You Should Do It

Want to study abroad?

Traveling and studying abroad  offers refreshing perspectives, more independence, intercultural communication skills, and greater understanding of other cultures, according to some SVC students.

Once opened to the exposure that comes with traveling, some SVC students feel the need to return. Hannah Pretto (Radiology, Class of 2017) studied abroad at London South Bank University in London, England. She said, “I wish I traveled to more places. I didn’t have a lot of time to go everywhere I wanted, but I plan to go back and travel for a few months once I graduate.” She expressed that her interests include going to Greece once she receives her bachelor’s in Radiology.

Having the desire to want to travel at a young age is a foot in a right direction that brings you a step forward said Pretto. She continues on to say that “even if you don’t know where you are a year from now, I say just do it, because it really changes you.” Flying somewhere else for a few months enriches a person to see what else is out there in the world and with that they go back to their hometowns with a different perspective.

Learning a different culture is one thing, but learning a new language is another. Schyler McGuire (Criminal Justice and Psychology, Class of 2017) is currently studying abroad at Florence University  in Florence, Italy. “I want to be able to hold a conversation in Italian with someone before I leave,” said McGuire. When someone is away for a few months in a whole new location it becomes almost inevitable to want to have fluent conversations with others there in their language.

Everyone has a reason to study abroad. Bridget Cain (Communications, Class of 2018) said, “The reason I want to study abroad is because it interests me how different and similar people can be when they are from different places.” Her interests reflect the differences and similarities in both people and their specific locations. Cain plans to study abroad in Australia before she graduates.

Every college student should consider the possibility of studying abroad, because the experiences, exposure, and opportunities that open up afterwards make the adventure one worth taking, said Betsy Dunham, the career development and internships coordinator at SVC. If interested in studying abroad and learning more about the process, email Dunham at [email protected].
The poet Wendell Berry wrote that “nobody can discover the world for somebody else. Only when we discover it for ourselves does it become common ground and a common bond and we cease to be alone.”