Sightings of Creepy Clowns Continue


Repeated sightings, and attacks of “creepy clowns” have been reported all over the country since the new remake of the classic horror movie IT was announced to be released in 2017. The original 1990 film by Steven King was about a clown who killed children. There have been 12 arrests in multiple states, all of them by people wearing “creepy clown” masks.  One 16-year-old boy has already died.

One of the most recent, and local events that has happened involving the “creepy clowns” was an attack made on a woman in Burlington, Vermont. The woman reportedly told police that she was outside smoking a cigarette, when a man came up behind her and grabbed her neck. Before fleeing, after he heard an alarm near by, he told the woman that he would kill teachers and students stating that “some teachers and students are going to be sorry they were born.”

The clowns, are now being reported as close as Massachusetts, and have been reaching their way up to the Albany area, as recent sightings have been located as close as Troy and Clifton Park N.Y. One woman, reported seeing the “Creepy Clowns” hanging around the local laundromat one night. On September 19th, cops catch clowns in Troy N.Y.

Parents are getting especially concerned as Halloween is coming up, because there is a rumor that clowns are going to have a “purge” night the night before Halloween. This “purge” night is going to consist of clowns going out, and killing anyone they chose too. Even though, there is no actual truth to this rumors, police are not taking the matter lightly. Police all across the country, to stay inside, keep pets inside, lock all doors and windows, stay vigilant, and report any suspicions to the local authorities right away.

Target, has even removed all clown halloween masks from their shelves. Not only are they removing them from in the store themselves, they are also removing them from online. McDonald’s has also stopped appearances of their clown “mascot” Ronald McDonald.

This “creepy clown” matter is no joke, and law enforcement are not taking this lightly. In Vermont threats went viral on social media “That 10 students from every high school will be targeted” according to No one knows where the next clown sighting or attack will be, and everyone should be cautious whenever they leave the house, lock their doors, and if they see anything suspicious they should call the police right away.