In Her Head


About the Author:

Takiyah Douglas (Creative Writing, Class of 2018) hopes to turn her love of writing into a career one day. Her best friend is food and her favorite opera is Trapped in the Closet. She can be found locked in her room creating play scripts, short stories and, very rarely, poems.

WARNING: This piece contains explicit content (profanity) and may not be appropriate for all audiences.











The scene opens up in a school hallway. Mira is standing by the lockers, lost in thought.


Mira: I have to what?

Jasmina: Bend over. We have to bend over. As soon as we see him.

Briar: (Wags fingers) No! We have to faint in his arms, only then will he fall for a fair maiden.

Makay: Wrong. Get in his face. Tell him he’s either fucking wit us or nah.

Stacy: Tsk. You have no class. Just say “hey, nice sunglasses”.

Emily: (Quietly) Or, uh, maybe say “hi”?

(Everyone except Mira and Emily): Shut up!

Emily: (Sadly) Okay.

Mira: Guys, guys. You’re really confusing me. This isn’t helping one bit.

Makay: What don’t you fucking get? Did I not just put things in a clear perspective for you?

Jasmina: (Nods) Yeah, what she said.

Mira: Well… no. This is just too much to process.

Emily: Maybe-

(Everyone except Mira and Emily): NO!

Briar: I got a marvelous idea! Let’s get someone to kidnap us  and he’ll swoop in to the rescue.

Jasmina: That’s a terrible idea. Get that tight black mini from our… (Pause) and don’t you even think of calling me a slut, you slut.

Makay: Slut.

Stacy: Be nice everyone.

Makay: Fuck you… And your dad.

Briar: (Confused) Don’t we all have the same dad?

Stacy: Now, now… no need for that. And how about we invite him to the movies?

Makay: Make him our bitch. He needs to wait on us hand and foot, 24/7.

Briar: Someone could push us down the stairs and he’ll come running. I promise us, he will.

Jasmina: What! No! If we break a leg, how are we supposed to show any of it off? Hey I heard Victoria’s Secret is having a sale. Lace is the new black. Remember that.

Stacy: (Shakes head) Remember this; the way to a man’s heart, is through his stomach.

Briar: Oooh! So we should start a fire in mother’s kitchen so he can save us?

Makay: So we should rip his heart out through his stomach? That could work.

Emily: Umm, guys?

(Everyone except Mira and Emily): Shut it!

Makay: Or so help me, I’ll punch a hole in your fucking throat.

Briar: You have no say, a girl so unwomanly like yourself.

Stacy: Alright! So let’s-

Jasmina: No! Smexy lingerie is the way to go.

Makay: Get the fuck out. Jump his ass and-

Jared enters

Jared: Hey.

Mira stares at Jared while her mouth forms a perfect “o”.

Mira: Uh, I… uh.

Mira attempts to lean against the locker, but misses it completely. She tips over and manages to clip Jared in the nose, who clutches it in pain.

Mira: Oh my god! I’m so sorry!

Jared: Shit. I’m bleeding. Damn.

Mira: Fuck! Uh, want me to go get some tissues? Napkins? A mop?

Jared: (Holds up his hand) No, I’ll be fine.

Mira: (Sadly) I’m sorry.

Jared: It was an accident. It’s cool. Look, I just came over here to ask you something. I was wondering on Friday if you-

Mira: Yeah?

Jared: If you wanted to-

Mira: (Excitedly) Yeah?

Jared: If you wanted to let me borrow your bio notes? I have been falling behind and-

Mira slaps a hand over Jared’s mouth.

Mira: Ah. Much better… Jared. I just spent the last half-hour arguing with myself on how to approach you. So, here it goes. Hey, I think you’re incredible. No, more like amazing. Never have I met someone so dedicated in making sure everyone around him is happy. You always have something nice to say, nothing ever bad. And your artwork! I admire your passion and excitement every time you finish a piece, but when it comes to your smile, nothing comes close to resembling it. So because of all this, I wondering if you wanted to go out on Friday? You know, with me? Like on a date?

Jared: (Pause) Wow. Mira, I don’t know what to say. Hearing that makes me really happy. I never thought you saw me in that way. Words can’t express how crazy that is, because well I’m so surprised that you never knew I was into men. Everyone knows Mira, so yeah. Can’t do that date thing. Can I get those notes to go though?

The End


Copyright © Takiyah Douglas (2016) All Rights Reserved.