Food for Thought


About the Author: Mikaela Zemaitis (Creative Writing and English double major, Class of 2018) enjoys writing in her free time and is in the process of publishing one of her stories. Upon graduating she would like to continue to publish her creative works and plans to make that goal a reality.


Do you ever feel that despite being on a small campus, your voice isn’t heard? Well here is your chance. From 6pm to 7pm on Thursday, February 9th, there will be a Dining Hall Forum. The purpose of this event will be for members from SGA and the Dining Hall to speak directly to the students and find out what changes they wish to take place. It will be held on the spring side of Dining Hall and there will be Benner’s pizza available for those who contribute to the conversation.

For those interested but worry that their voice will not be heard, I can tell you this: change is a difficult process, but it is a worthy endeavor. As the Dining Hall Representative for the last year and a half I know this from experience. Though as hard as it may be from time to time, I have successfully made several changes, some of which include increasing vegetarian options and decreasing the excessive amount of burgers we used to be subjected to. I have also increased the amount of times they have fruit available on the salad bar (mandarin oranges, peaches, etc.) and have improved the availability of soup, trying my hardest to have it served on the weekends. Currently, I am working on making gluten free options more common place too.

There have been moments of frustration when changes have returned back to their original state and I have had to step in for these changes to be implemented once more, but in the end it is worth it. To be able to be part of positive change is a wonderful thing. So stop by this Thursday to experience it for yourself. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me at [email protected] .

Copyright © Mikaela Zemaitis (2017) All Rights Reserved.