10 Struggles of an SVC Student

10 Struggles of an SVC Student


  1. The walk from the parking lot to Hunter Hall when it is -10° and windy outside .. 
  2. The rule that you can’t bring food outside of the dining hall, so you’re stuck sitting in there alone when all your friends are at class.
  3. The amount of fire alarms that have gone off (at 9 in the morning) for absolutely no reason.
  4. The strict rules of what you may and may not have in your dorm.
    (like curtains, we all know the struggle of the sun waking us up every weekend…)  
  5. The 30 minute parking rule at Hunter. Oh, and the fact that you never knowwhether that violation will getyou a $40 or $25 ticket.
  6. That only commuters are allowed to park at the mansion. Which leaves us residents stuck riding the shuttle which is NEVER on time.
  7. How our cars get blocked in by the snow that seemingly gets plowed into the backs of our cars.
  8. How we are always either out of heat or hot water. Oh and how there is NO A/C.
  9. Of course there is the downfall of there being less than 400 students so everyone knows everyone’s business.
  10. Lastly, the struggle of doing a load of wash only to realize that the washer never actually wrung out your clothes so you have to do it by hand and pay for an extra dryer cycle.


If you have any more struggles of being an SVC student, feel free to shout them out on Twitter @LookingGlassSVC