10 Ways To Relieve Your Stress Before Finals


    1. Meditate to keep calm and release negative energy. Meditation is known to help people relieve their stress and fill you with positive vibes.

    2. Take a break from studying and spend time with your friends. It’s good to get away from the stress of final assignments and studying, while getting to spend time with the people that make you the happiest.

    3. Eat breakfast to start your day off right. Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day because it sets you off right for what is ahead of you.

    4. Plan your studying time, so you don’t have to cram. If you keep a calendar  of all of your assignments that are due and properly allocate time for studying, it will help you be less stressed because you know when everything is due.

    5. Drink some hot chocolate, tea, or coffee. What is better than a nice cup of something to warm your stomach? You can’t go wrong with relaxing with a hot beverage.

    6. Take a hot shower or bath to relax. Taking a hot bath or shower will help relax your muscles and keep you less tense from all of the stress you’ve had during finals week.

    7. Avoid being around other stressed people. Ensuring that you aren’t around other people that are stressed will help you stay calm. Being around stressed people can rub off on you, which is not what you want during finals week.

    8. Get enough sleep, so you aren’t exhausted throughout the day. It is a proven fact that a good night’s sleep helps keep you productive throughout the day, without feeling restless.

    9. Exercise to help boost your mood and keep you productive. Exercise is good to get some energy and get you feeling great for what’s ahead.

    10. Listen to your favorite music to get you in the right mood. Music is something that helps the majority of people feel better. It can get you in the right mood for what you have coming, especially during a stressful finals week.