Papers, papers and more papers…


I can’t read everyone’s mind, but I know in my mind, there isn’t much enjoyment in writing papers for school. I like to write about topics I’m interested in, as I’m sure everyone does. But in this message we’re talking about the topics we can’t seem to focus on to write a paper over. There’s always that one class students have that is their least favorite to attend, let alone having to write 5 or 6 page papers for. It’s always easy to apply what you’ve learned into writing or assignments, but what if you feel like you haven’t learned anything?

We all have the professors that talk in a  monotone voice, and professors who make extra work out of the material than there should be. Writing about topics you aren’t interested in is the worst! You have to actually put sentences together that make sense and flow into a meaningful passage, and try for the best grade possible. Then, there’s always that one paper that you’ll procrastinate and wait until the last day and have to bust out 7 pages…yup, that’s me! I’m the person that writes the paper the night before I have to hand it in. If you’re that person too, I’d advise you not to wait! You need the proper time and organization to make sure you hit all points so you can score higher. Even if you are working on your assignment last minute, follow all the guidelines; and if you have a rubric, go over everything that will be scored and make sure you’ve covered each point. This is to make sure that you’ll still receive a good score even if you fall a little short on the length of the paper!