Love and Money Advice

Love and Money Advice

Ever had that burning question you wanted to be answered without fear of judgement?

How do you make someone you love realize that you understand you messed up?

There are many different ways to make sure someone you love knows you understand that you messed up.You also want to make sure what you feel is love and not attachment. It’s important that you both are the right person for each other. Below I list a few ways in which you can express your understandings.

  • If they like poetry, write them a poem.  It also wouldn’t be a bad idea to write a poem about all the good times you shared together.
  • Offer to take them to dinner someplace classy or even to their favorite place and if they don’t accept try again. You want to show them that you know you messed up and that you’re trying to correct it, and are willing to do whatever it takes to make it right
  • Sometimes a person just needs their space.
  • Apologize: just tell them you’re sorry. Tell them the truth and how you feel.

You do sadly have to acknowledge the truth at times. If you keep messing up and your partner sees this, they will get fed up no matter how much they love you and they will have to let go. And with this advice I offer my favorite unknown quote:  “If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it’s yours forever. If it doesn’t, then it was never meant to be.”

What are ways that college students can save money on school supplies?

Below I have listed basic supplies college students will find they need in order to be successful and places you may find them.

  • School Supplies (notebooks, pens and pencils, index cards, etc.): You could find individual school supplies for cheap at neighborhood dollar stores and big branch stores such as Walmart and  Kmart. You could also find school supplies in bundles online on Amazon and at Staples. I have found that Amazon usually sells their bundles cheaper than Staples would, but everyone has their preferences when it comes to online versus in- store shopping.
  • Electronics (laptops, tablets, and accessories): You can find laptops, tablets and accessories for good prices both online and in-store at places like Walmart, Best Buy, Amazon, and Staples. Also you can go to the website of the company who manufactures the laptop you want. Here you will also find that you can get a student discount when purchasing your devices. Some companies I know that do this are Microsoft who sell various Windows manufacturers and Apple.
  • Textbooks: You could find the books you need for class at various places online. populates all the places online where you can purchase books. It present you with the list of the places you can get the books from and options to buy, rent or sell books back. Before you jump to purchase these books, try free resources such as free pdf copies of the books you need. Stop by your school’s library to see if you can get a book loan for the semester.