Love and Money Advice

Love and Money Advice

Ever had that burning question you wanted to be answered without fear of judgement?


What it’s like to be in a long distance relationship while attending college and what are the chances that it could last?

Now this is a topic of discussion that comes up in almost every relationship. You meet and sparks are made, but soon certain situations force you to live on two opposite sides of the globe. While most people would say that it wouldn’t work, I would argue otherwise, since I am a hopeless romantic. Emphasis on the ‘hopeless’ part. Every text and call means the world; their voice soothes and calms you, even though you can’t hold them in your arms at night. Make time for your significant other, there is nothing like a call or text saying “I love you”.

Below I have listed pros and cons to a long distance relationship.

  • The connection
    • If your relationship survives the distance then you will be able to live on together knowing that if work is applied nothing can separate you.
  • Builds trust.
  • A strong communication line is established.
    • and we all know this can make or break any strong or weak built relationship.
  • You can rest knowing that you both care equally about the relationship.
  • The relationship becomes more than physical and you learn to be independent in a relationship opposed to being co-dependent.
  • You get to travel to new places.


  • The cost of travel comes back to bite you.


  • Fear:
    • Loyalty and lies both become frequent worries.
  • Jealousy begins to slowly breed.
  • From not seeing one another you both become lonely.


Should I save spare change?:

It’s important to know why you’re saving change. Is it so you could use it on a rainy day? Are you saving it for use whenever it’s needed? It’s also important to have a place planned to store your savings. If you don’t have a place you can save all your money, it’ll become clutter and will start to get in your way. It comes down to the method and reason behind saving. The effectiveness of the method is what makes it worth it. Below I have listed some different ways you can save change and why it’s a good idea to save smaller bills.


  • When talking about saving change, you also want to address the idea of saving money. When you receive money a good task to do is to separate it by money to spend, save, and use later. Put the ‘save’ money in a safe hiding place and separate the ‘spend’ and ‘use later’ portions.

Spare change

  • Go to the bank and get coin rolls
  • Use a piggy bank
  • Put coins in an empty bottle
    • Depending on the coins and bottle chosen once full this can amount to anywhere between $500 and $2,000
      • bring your change to your bank and have them put it in a savings account which you can’t touch unless you go to the bank to take the money out.
    • Now if there was an emergency and you have a bank that allows online transfers you can transfer funds from your savings to your main account free of charge (depending on the bank)
  • Try to save dollar bills and bring these to your bank to put into your savings.
    • I had over $450 saved up  and I did this for a summer (small bills make a difference)