What’s New On Netflix: The ABC’s of Death

What’s New On Netflix: The ABC’s of Death

Short film madness man!

Let’s talk about an anthology film shall we? It’s nice to be able to sit down for an hour and a half and see four or five different little stories. But 26? Would that even be palatable? Well, after watching The ABC’s Of Death, I can say that yes, it does work, and it’s a blast. 26 different directors from around the world were given a letter, and then created a concept from that letter involving death. After that, they shot a short film based on the concept and sent it in to be edited together with the other 25. They range from scary to funny to just downright bizarre, but they are ALL good.

The acting is typically in languages other than English, but I didn’t see any real issues there. Of the 26 short films, a large amount was by Japanese and German directors. With twisted films about fart deaths to uplifting stories of a fighting dogs revenge, the Anthology boasts a great range of options for everybody. The downside however, is that when the films fall flat, they fall HARD. I really just didn’t understand some of the Japanese humor and those ones tended to be fucking-out-there level weird.

I really don’t have time to go into all of the films, but if you’ve ever taken a recommendation from this section, take it here. This anthology is worth the watch, if not just for the sheer insanity of it all. I have to say my favorite films would be “D for Dogfight,” and “Q for Quack,” so check those one’s out. For it’s creativity and variety, this bad boy gets:
