How Do You Study?


As we all know, midterms are right around the corner and that means more stress for us! Even though it’s only midway through the semester, most of us are running around this campus like crazy people making sure papers are done and projects are finished. Sleep isn’t an option any more for some of us, and studying can be difficult when your mind is racing in hundreds of directions.

I took the time to listen to fellow radiologic science majors talk about their plans to study, and while some of them were going to study in their dorm and/or library, others planned to get together to utilize one another and their professors. Study styles are case-by-case, not always working for everyone. In some instances, there are people who don’t even know how to study.

I personally use study groups with fellow classmates to help me study for exams. We get together and go from one chapter or subject to the next, and if someone doesn’t understand something, there’s usually one of us who can help explain it. Studying alone doesn’t work for me because if I have a question I have no one to ask. I strongly believe that we learn from each other and that’s the most beneficial way of studying. While I did study alone, outside of the groups, I believe I benefit most from a study group.

We all want a high grade and a high GPA, but the work you put into your studies is ultimately what your grades reflect. Every type of studying is helpful no matter the style. If you don’t know what style of studying you should do, try group studying; it is beneficial to not only you, but your classmates as well. When I study within a group, I print off worksheets that the professors post online and bring it to the study group. We do the worksheet together that way we can work together on it and we all understand how we got the answer. I also like to make charts that will help compress all the information that we covered into smaller forms.


What kind of studying habits do you believe work best for you? Leave a comment below to let me know!