How To Keep Organized In College


When it comes to keeping organized in college, my first tip is to run over to Walmart or Staples and get yourself a student planner. Writing down what assignment for what class will help keep you organized and it will help you remember what homework is due. If using a planner doesn’t help or if you’ve tried it in the past, I suggest thumb tacking the syllabus for each of your classes to the wall and looking at those each week to see what is due. It would also be helpful to cross out or highlight what you have already completed as you go through.

Make sure that you buy ahead of time the things you will need for the classes you are taking. I know this may sound obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t purchase the required textbooks for their classes. When you have a reading that requires any of the books, another tip is to write down what you have to do on a sticky note and put that sticky note on the book that you have to read. The school library has the books you need for your class that you can also borrow or rent.

If you’re a visual person and the planner or the sticky note tips don’t work for you, there is always the option of color coding things. With exams coming up it might be useful to make a plan on how you’re going to study. A friend of mine has color coded her calendar and writes down what she has to do for each class in a different color. Color code your notes and make tables or graphs of things you need to do.

Sarah from, has some great tips on how to keep organized in college. I happen to agree with what she has to say. She is an incredible blogger who has experience with the struggle of keeping organized in college. One of my favorite things she has to say, is the clean desk policy. There are plenty of people that I know whose desks are cluttered with paper (mine included). Another tip she wrote that is absolute genius is the 8/8/8 rule. Eight hours of sleep, eight hours of work, and eight hours of down time to do what you want to do that isn’t school related. Check out her blog for other topics you might be interested in as well. Being organized doesn’t have to apply just to homework.

As Sarah mentioned, keeping your room organized is also important. Switching over from summer clothes to winter clothes can be a struggle. You can either keep your summer clothes at school or you can bring them home and switch them out for the winter ones. Deciding to keep all of your clothes at school can lead to clutter though, so keep that in mind. Another thing is scheduling chores. So lets say every Wednesday is laundry day and every Monday you write down what you plan to get done that week. It’s a great way to stay organized because you will have a routine to stick to.

Being organized in college doesn’t have to be difficult. Whether it’s getting a planner for your school work, or getting a stand up organizer for your room. Keeping organized in college will help out tremendously.

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