Life after undergrad

Life after undergrad

Is graduate school the best option for you after undergrad?

If you’ve been contemplating the possibility of graduate school but you don’t even know where to begin, here’s some tips to get you started.

Graduate schools often have full time and part time students just as undergrad does. Graduate schools also often have deadlines the way undergrad does. It’s a big commitment, but it could be a huge payoff for you in your future career. 

Before making your decision, you’ll want to find out the following-

  • Is the GRE required for your program?
  • Is the specific program you’re looking for available?
  • Is there a minimum GPA?
  • Is housing offered?
  • Are there any apprenticeships?
  • How much does it cost?
  • How many references are needed?


If you find out graduate school may not be the best option for you, what are your other options after college?

  • Getting a full time job in a field you enjoy (what we all hope for!)
  • Participate in an internship to benefit you in the future
  • Take some time to travel and enjoy the world before you commit to anything

Read more about the pros and cons of graduate school at