Why join The Looking Glass?


The experience of taking the Looking Glass at SVC is truly invaluable. You get the opportunity to work with a team of great students and run The Looking Glass how the class wants. You have the opportunity to share your ideas with the entire campus community. This particular class is so special at SVC because you get to actually chose what you want to work on every day. At the beginning of the year you set your own work goals, and you get to make up your own assignments. This means you are always in a positive classroom environment where you can work on things you are passionate about. This student run publication is exactly that, Professor Sinkiewich does an amazing job at giving you the freedom to make your own choices about work opportunities throughout the semester, while still always suggesting new ideas for projects and stories.

Even if you don’t love to write, this can be a class you could enjoy. There are opportunities for photography, videographer, editing, marketing, and much more.  If you have any ways you think you could have fun while helping the Looking Glass grow and succeed, chances are you will be able to do it. I feel like every student that comes through SVC should try to take this class in their time here. So this summer while you’re thinking about your schedule next fall, don’t forget about The Looking Glass!