Graduating Into Adulthood



John Fiorenzo, center, catches a brief nap during the address to the graduates at his Boston College Commencement ceremony on the university’s campus in Boston, Monday, May 21, 2012. (AP Photo/Stephan Savoia)

You know being in college wasn’t terrible, but I won’t be doing it again. My four years here at Southern Vermont College truly have taught me so much about myself. (And of course education wise.) I’ve met some amazing people and got to do a lot of things I don’t think I would have been able to if I stayed in New York City. However, while thinking back on my time here at SVC, I’ve come to the realization that I won’t be returning for another semester. This really started to sink in as I listened to some of my friends, who aren’t graduating, talk about what courses they will be taking next school year. Whenever these same friends asked me what I was doing once I graduated, I would always pause to think about it. So I’d start to think to myself: What am I going to do once I graduate? Well I know that I already plan on going to live with my mother, since I can’t get my own place at the moment. I also need a job

In all honesty, I’ve never worked outside of Southern Vermont College. Unlike most students who have had summer jobs and know how to drive already, I never did these things. I’ve gained most of my work experience here on campus from being an RA, working for College Steps as a mentor, and even as a Student Involvement assistant a few semesters back. I’ve built my resume thanks to the support of faculty and staff assistance, they even have helped me work on cover letters. What I’m trying to express to you is that all I’ve known thus far is how to work here on campus, and now not only am I graduating from undergrad, but I’m graduating into adulthood. I now have to take the experience I’ve gained over these years and apply it to my future and I’m actually really nervous. It feels like a mother bird is kicking the baby out of the nest and I don’t know if I’m ready to fly. One thing I will say though is that even if I’m not ready to fly, I know that I’ll always have a place to land and people to encourage me to keep trying. And I will never forget the people and things I’ve learned here at SVC. I’m glad that I decided to sign my life away to this college!