Ten Ways on How to Enhance Attention Strategies

Ten Ways on How to Enhance Attention Strategies


  1. Live in the now; grab the present intensely. You can’t know the future and you cannot change the past.
  2. Don’t multitask; this will interfere with the ability to learn and remember.
  3. Shut out the distractions. Prevent your mind from wandering or getting sidetracked by the interruptions. You should wear earplugs or face a blank wall.
  4. Just breathe. Meditation and mindfulness training and breathing exercises will help with concentration.
  5. Know your limits. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or overworked, take a break and work in intervals. 20 minutes on, 10 minutes off and keep track of your time.
  6. Exercising moderately before taking a test or studying will help generate blood flow. This will increase your willpower and focus.
  7. Stay curious. Constantly wondering about a subject will increase your focus on your tasks. Ask new questions and study your subject in different ways.
  8. Perform concentration exercises, like sitting in a chair and staying as still as you can. Concentrate on the within, like focusing on your heartbeat while lying still. Also, thinking and imagining the blood pumping through your veins and relaxing your muscles helps your focus to be on your body only.
  9. Be more aware. Pay attention to what you’re doing, why, and how. Notice your emotions and feelings. Change the way you feel so it won’t interrupt your concentration.     
  10. Set goals. Monitor your progress and keep track of your adjustments made. How are you achieving your goals?